Our Social Mission

FairPrice Group is committed to keeping daily essentials within reach for all in Singapore.


Greater Value Every Day
Launched amid steep spikes in consumer prices, the Greater Value Every Day initiative aims to help customers shop smarter and save more. We adopt a holistic approach with dedicated discounts tailored to specific customer segments, and shopping tips that empower consumers to be smarter shoppers. By providing quality products at affordable prices, we help customers beat inflation and enjoy greater value every day.

Affordable Essentials with Everyday Low Price
This initiative began in 1994, when we curated a basket of ‘Everyday Low Price’ items comprising essential goods that are popular among households, to bring greater savings to consumers. This basket has since grown to more than 500 items, including fresh fruits, vegetables, dairy, detergent and more. These products continue to be priced low to provide the best value to the community. The latest products are available on the FairPrice Group app, or via our print, online and social media advertisements.

Limited-time Offers with Price Drop Buy Now
This initiative offers weekly discounts on selected items at FairPrice, allowing shoppers to enjoy savings on a wider range of products. Customers look forward to a new slate of discounted products every week, from fresh produce to paper products.

Extra Savings with Save Even More
The Save Even More initiative aims to help customers do just that – save even more. It consists of existing discount schemes for Pioneer Generation (PG), Merdeka Generation (MG), Seniors Discount and CHAS Blue card holders from Monday to Thursday. Since 2019, these schemes have helped shoppers save about $31 million.
On top of discounts, seniors and underprivileged communities also enjoy the usual member rebates and Linkpoints. We also honour seniors and workers through the FairPrice senior discount and periodic 50% off discounts for NTUC Union and Link members for specially selected items.

Keeping it Exciting with New & Exclusive
We make sure to continually captivate customer interest through a specially curated range of products that are tailored to the needs of shoppers, all while providing good value.
Stretch your dollar with FairPrice Housebrand Products
The FairPrice Housebrand was created to deliver quality and value to all in Singapore. Housebrand products are carefully sourced to offer quality that matches leading brands, all while being priced 10% to 15% lower on average.
It started out in the daily essentials category, providing customers with affordable rice, oil, and sugar. Over the years, it has expanded to over 2,000 products in over 50 categories. Today, shoppers enjoy rolled oats, olive oil, potato chips, and more – in addition to timeless essentials.

Maximising Savings with the Save Every Day Vouchers
With up to 400 coupons available via the FairPrice Group app, shoppers can save up to $2,000 across a wide range of daily essentials such as rice and coffee. The Save Every Day vouchers can even be stacked on top of existing promotions, FairPrice discounts, and member rebates. This initiative has been a staple for customers since it was first rolled out in 2021, supporting all in Singapore through the pandemic and rising cost of food.
Offsetting the Tax Hike by Absorbing GST
When Singapore’s Goods & Services Tax (GST) rose in 2023 and 2024, FairPrice Group absorbed the hike. A 1% discount on GST was provided for the first six months of each year, covering 500 essential items such as rice, eggs, and oil. In line with our commitment to helping all in Singapore stretch their dollar, we have consistently cushioned the impact of GST increases over the years.

FairPrice Return Vouchers
To help Singaporeans stretch their dollar and maximise on the Government’s support package, FairPrice Group (FPG) distributes FairPrice return vouchers for CDC Supermarket vouchers spent.

Food Services Initiatives

Greater Convenience with the FairPrice Group app at Kopitiam
Customers at Kopitiam food courts enjoy a 10% discount when paying with the FairPrice Group app, on top of being able to redeem their Linkpoints. Customers can also continue to benefit from the discount simply by flashing their Pioneer Generation, Merdeka Generation, or ComCare cards when purchasing meals.
Rice Garden Community Programme
The Rice Garden Community Programme by FairPrice Group partners with local hawkers across Singapore to provide residents with affordable and wholesome economy rice meals. Through this initiative, ComCare cardholders can savour a balanced meal comprising one meat and two vegetable dishes for only $1.50, while concession cardholders such as Pioneer Generation, Merdeka Generation, CHAS Blue and NTUC Union members can enjoy the same nutritious meal for just $2.70.

Fuelling Savings with Daily Food and Drink Promotions
Kopitiam’s daily food and drink promotions keep prices affordable for all in Singapore. Some popular initiatives include the Signature Breakfast Set for only $2.80 at participating coffee shops – while union members received greater savings at just $2.20. Hot Kopi-O and Teh-O were also served up at just $1 or even less across more than 40 Kopitiam coffee shops and hawker centres.