Sponsorship and Grants

Partnering for Change

FairPrice Foundation Sponsorship and Grants

Through its partnerships, FairPrice Foundation is committed to keeping daily essentials within reach for all in Singapore. The evaluation of the programmes and projects it undertakes ensures that the partners it works with share its mission of supporting the poor and needy with daily essentials, community bonding and worker welfare.


FairPrice Foundation Sponsorship EligibilitySponsorship Eligibility

Sponsorship requests should be aligned with the following pillars:

FairPrice Foundation Sponsorship Eligibility
Helping to sustain the poor and needy
FairPrice Foundation Sponsorship Eligibility
Supporting worker welfare
FairPrice Foundation Sponsorship Eligibility
Deepening community bonds


FairPrice Foundation Sponsorship ApplicationSponsorship Application

Requests for sponsorship must be submitted via the Online Request Form at least four weeks prior to the commencement of the event or programme.

FairPrice Foundation Sponsorship Application

Qualified organisations seeking sponsorship should attach an official request letter (on your organisation letterhead) and a proposal when filling up the online form.

FairPrice Foundation Sponsorship Application

The proposal should be concise and not exceeding two pages in length.

FairPrice Foundation Sponsorship Application

Due to the large number of requests we receive, the review process can take up to 14 working days to complete. We appeal to the community for your patience.

FairPrice Foundation Sponsorship Application

If a request meets our criteria and funding is available, the requesting organisation may be asked to provide more information before a decision is made.

FairPrice Foundation Sponsorship Application

Please keep in mind that any rejection of sponsorship does not reflect a negative appraisal of the requesting organisation or the value of its services or programmes.

FairPrice Foundation Sponsorship Application

As a registered charity, FairPrice Foundation regrets that it will not support the following:

  • Individuals
  • Building Funds
  • Overseas projects that do not benefit the Singapore community
  • Projects that are confined to sectional interests of a group of persons or serve an exclusively religious or corporate purpose
  • Social and/or commercial events with no community benefits

Online Request Form